Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Should the oil pressure on a 1992 Subaru Loyale show at zero at a stop?

I just had my Subaru serviced because the oil pressure gauge was showing zero at a stop sign, and wouldn't go past 45 (which is the halfway point on the gauge). It can potentially go to 85, but did only once when I inadvertantly added too much oil. There was also some clacking of the lifters (which the guy did manage to resolve.) I have been smelling oil, also, and the guy said that the car had a lot of oil leaks. This doesn't seem right because I have never shown to have need of oil. I just want to know if I spent a needless $480. He told me that he ';overhauled'; the oil pump.Should the oil pressure on a 1992 Subaru Loyale show at zero at a stop?
i had same problem with a 98' toyota. lifter clacking and low oil pressure. only thing diffrent was i was putting 2 quarts every 100 niles in it. the rattling is probably a dry lifter, if they have been run for a long time on low oil pressure they will wear, and lose their oil prime, get gummed up with sludge. try putting a quart of transmition fluid in oil and run it for about 20 minutes. then drain it and replace with all new oil. that will unstick your lifter, and reprime it (if it isnt too far worn). it turned out to be my rear seal around the crank shaft, causing my leak and low pressure, doesnt matter if oil pump is good or not. oil pressure shouldnt be less than 40 at any time and no more than 60. a easy give-away on a bad guage or oil sending unit is a guage that just starts going wacky, jumping all over the place.Should the oil pressure on a 1992 Subaru Loyale show at zero at a stop?
is the oil full?
No, either the pressure is too low, or there is a proplem with the gague, wiring, or sending unit. If the pressure is too low, and he really did fix the oil pump, then I'm sorry to say that your engine bearing clearance is too high (engine overhaul, or new engine). As far as the leaks, there could have been traces of previous leaks that have been repaired. Ask him to clean the engine (or just go to a car wash with an underbody wash, and pressure wash the top yourself), and recheck it. It also doesn't hurt to get a second opinion. If the second shop is trying to get your business, then they give you the best answer they can.
i was told by my uncle that if you ahve no oil pressure at a stop your main bearings may be bad i did the oil pump change myself and it didnt help me out so that is when my uncle informed me the mains were bad hope it helps
Never your oil pressure gauge should always show oil pressure and it should increase a little as you your engine RPM increases.
hey man $480 for a f*(%26amp;^ing oil pump you got robed next time just have the rings changed or have the cylinders borad if you have any more Q's hit me up (JINX)
No, not realy, it can be confusing!
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