Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When is our government going to stop the oil companys from fleasing us amercians?

Never, they donate too much money to the campaigns of politicians and in outright bribes... they send them on (quite literally) million dollar vacations that no politician would ever give up, and pay millions to campaign ';donations'; and millions more to lobbyists.

People are soo funny, buying into the propoganda of the oil companies... exxon makes 8 cents on the dollar at the point of shipping, gas companies have more than doubled their profits in the past 3 years... they make billions on refining, shipping, and selling the gas... that 8 cents is rhetoric and doesn't include a majority of the companies profits, only what they make from transporting crude from the mid east and south america to north america...

Also, the oil companies DIRECTLY control the price of refined gasoline... Do you know what the price of gas is in Venezuela right now? Two weeks ago it was TWENTY AMERICAN CENTS per gallon... The cost of crude is ABSOLUTELY NOT UP THREE TIMES its cost in 2001, when gas was just over $1 a gallon... it's [crude] up less than double (a lot less than double) and yet the cost of gasoline is up about triple... how can anyone suggest that the oil giants aren't controlling the prices? Federal taxes aren't up, nor are most state's taxes on oil/gas...When is our government going to stop the oil companys from fleasing us amercians?
The government is not going to do anything to your benefit until you read this:鈥?/a>

And then you will have to write brief AND POLITE letters to your Senators and Representatives.

When everyone is jumping up and down about this (without profanity or violent protests), then action will be taken.

I have already used my science education to carefully evaluate the alternatives.

Please check it out, and notice there are many other highly competent people who agree.When is our government going to stop the oil companys from fleasing us amercians?
not gonna happen!!
first the oil companie are not making that much of a percentage profit, the money figure sounds large but not the actual percent, most business would close if thier percentage was so low.

If you want a company who is fleasing people, look at the percent profit walmart is making, or how much the telephone comanies ar making.

And watch it, my investments are in the oil companies, I need them making money so I can retire.
They are making too much off of it to stop it.
1) It's not the government's job. 2) The reason gas prices are high is Americans insist on driving gas guzzlers. 3) Oil company profit margins were much lower than software and pharmaceutical companies.
Stop them. LOL They are behind it, LOL You didn't know that LOL. Come on TEXASZ has so much oil it isn't even close to funny. No, Don't tell me, you didn't know that either. ROFLMAO. LOL
What artsy5347 said.
Fleecing? Not gonna do it...not at this juncture...wouldn't be prudent...
Never - Oil companies are MAJOR political contributors %26amp; lobbiests...why bite the hand that feeds you??
Oil companies get very little on the dollar. ExxonMobil gets 8 cents on the dollar. OTher comapnies get more on the dollar. If you want to know what is whacked is I believe with school books and how much it cost to buy a DVD. It cost 5-25 cents to make then they sell them for 20. I think this is messed up.
When the sh*t really hits the fan.
Get over it. Big Oil is nothing more than a chant for the left, and the less intelligent people that buy into it. Oil companies do NOT control the price of oil... it's a commodity traded on the world market. When the president of Iran says Israel should be destroyed, that raises the price of oil because the world market gets concerned about the supply of oil from Iran changing.

Cheers :)
Shut up and come back when you understand economics...(sigh)
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