Monday, July 26, 2010

Is it safe to massage my puppy with olive oil after a bath to stop her skin getting too dry?

Safe? Of course it is safe. Olive oil isn't toxic!!

Might make her fur a bit greasy, though.Is it safe to massage my puppy with olive oil after a bath to stop her skin getting too dry?
I'm not sure about that but there are products you can buy to prevent dry skin. Wal-mart has an oatmeal shampoo that I heard was very good. The vets offer a shampoo called HYLYT it has fatty acids(12 oz bottle about $17.00) and the other at the vets office is 3V caps liquid it is an fatty acid you can add to wet dog food(around $20.00 or so for 230ml) but for a small dog will last a very long time. They do have some dog foods out now that do have Omega 3 fatty acids in them.Is it safe to massage my puppy with olive oil after a bath to stop her skin getting too dry?
I would've thought this would make her hair very oily. Better not to bath her too much- leave the natural oils in her coat and her skin won't get too dry. Dogs don't need baths like we do, maybe 5 or 6 times a year should be plenty..unless they like to roll in cow-muck , that is!
you dont massage pup with olive oil put a small amount in her food but dont bath your dog to much not good for them
not a good idea unless you want to drive your dog crazy... they love the taste of olive oil.... it seems to make more sense for you to feed her a premium food and brush her daily and do not over bath her..
I've heard of mixing olive oil in their food or water once a week for skin and coat but never putting it on them.
use aveeno or baby oil in the bath water or aloe vera. dogs lick whatever you put on them. when my babies itch, I put aloe on the spot.
Its - ok, but he gonna smell like a big *** salad. And it'll cause dirty oily spots around the house and encourage odor and dirt itself to cling to the coat more easily. I think you would be better off using a commercial conditioner after the bath. I also highly recommend that you go to the pet store and read thru the supplemental vitamin and meal additives so you can encourage INTERNAL skin health. You'll find then regular bathing wont cause dryness. And you shouldnt wash your pet more than once a month for the record.
yes olive oil is safe! And safe if she licks it off!!

I have a hairless Chinese Crested and I sometimes put olive oil on his skin after a bath.
It would be far more sensible to add either olive oil, Evening Primrose oil or just plain vegetable oil in her food.

If she has dandruff you can bathe her in an anti-dandruff shampoo, preferably obtained from a Vet, but the Johnson's Cradle Cap shampoo for babies works just as well. I have used it on my puppies with excellent results.

I would prefer not to massage the oil in externally as it could make the coat very greasy if it happens to get on her fur.
Yes and she'll enjoy licking it off which will give her other health benefits and cut down on any fur balls
If the skin is dry and flaky look at the diet first. Do you groom everyday? You should. And plenty of excercise.
.yes but not to much the skin is delicate.
yes ,if her skin is dry that is the best thing you can put on,as it will even be good for her if she licks it!
Firstly - don't bath her too often. Once a year is sufficient and won't make her skin dry, removing the need for any kind of skin conditioner.

I would never use olive oil on a dog. It would get everywhere, on your clothing, the furniture, the rugs etc., and would smell frightful as well. Olive oil is for human consumption only.

Why bother? If you must use something, get something designed for the purpose from a pet shop or a vet.
HEL* NO!!!!

STOP scrubbing the poor damn thing to DEATH!!!

Dogs only need a bath YEARLY...if EVER!!!!

sheeeeeeeeesh....M-L member
I definitely would not do this !!! Buy some evening primrose oil capsules and give to your baby every night before bed !! You can buy cod liver oil to add to your babies food too.
sounds good to me,but not too much.and i'll be round later for mine.
If she is a short haired puppy, Colgate Men's Shaving foam (cheapest old fashioned one) makes a nice skin conditioner and smells nice, too. I think olive oil will smell rancid (like old mayonnaise) after a few days.

I used to use the shave foam for my Dobermans, Boston Terrier and Pug.
try salad cream!
Try Vaseline. I know I keep going on about it but it does work and its cheap. Massage into damp skin.

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